National Tea Day – Did you know that we Brits drink 165 million cups of tea a day?
Did you know that we Brits drink 165 million cups of tea a day – and a lot of that tea-drinking takes place in the office!
It’s National Tea Day on Saturday, April 21st – so why not hold a tea party for charity and brew a cup of kindness to help others less fortunate in our nation?
A mini-tea party in the office can be held without too much fuss – just ask everyone to bring along some cake or have a tea-tasting session if you want to reduce the calories. If you want to turn it into a fun-filled competition, invent a quiz and pay an entry fee which goes to charity.
You can find out how to get involved with National Tea Day, and read about the charities looking for support, on the National Tea Day website. You can discover a wide variety of exotic teas and check out your local tea houses too.
The website is full of fascinating facts about our favourite drink – including tips on making the perfect cuppa. Believe it or not, the biggest factor in making a great cup of tea is using filtered water. In many areas of the UK, particularly southern England, the water is hard – and that’s bad news for your brew. You might think that boiling your water will get rid of all of the nasties, but that isn’t the case. Boiling water kills germs, but it doesn’t remove heavy metals and chemicals like a filter does.
National Tea Day is a great opportunity to check out the advantages of tea-drinking. Tea is calorie-free if you take it without milk, and far healthier than so-called energy drinks which contain high levels of sugar. There are many natural and herbal teas which have specific health benefits, and tea in general is hydrating.
The most important thing is finding a tea that you really enjoy. Then dig out the vintage china teacups and bend your little finger as one does, to follow proper tea-drinking etiquette.
Don’t forget to let your boiled water cool slightly for herbal teas, so that you don’t scorch the leaves.
It must be time to put the kettle on – if you’re running short of tea, why not look at our variety of teas and herbal teas.
You can find everything you need to cater for your office on our website.
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