Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Cubicles on the way out

By Paperstone on February 15, 2007 in Office Furniture

Office cubicles could be a thing of the past if design trends continue, according to business analyst Victoria Erhart.

Businesses are now looking to cut their expenses, with office space being cut down in order to decrease rental coasts.

However, Ms Erhart has said that this means office space is at a premium and designing office environments to accommodate as much furniture as possible is becoming a priority.

As such, this means that cubicles are on their way out, with ergonomic and space-saving office furniture taking precedence.

And more employees are now collaborating on projects and schemes, with Ms Erhart adding that it is necessary for businesses to provide open plan office environments to create a workplace conducive to cooperation.

Writing in a web log, Ms Erhart said: "Rather than just the latest office feng shui trend to come along, the idea of unassigned work space can lead to increases in efficiency and productivity.

"[This gives] a competitive advantage to those companies that understand the difference between the occupancy of office space and the utilisation of office space."

She added that "workspace design needs to reflect the needs of the current workforce" and that, if handled correctly, can have massive financial benefits to firms.

At Paperstone, we stock a massive range of office furniture to help you get the most out of your workplace.


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