5 tips to successfully work from home
With COVID-19 dominating the news headlines, we’re all looking for sensible ways to minimise the spread of the virus.
Here at Paperstone we’ve increased our cleaning regime, stopped face-to-face external meetings and we’re working remotely when we can. We’re not the only ones; more and more businesses are encouraging people to work from home, where possible.
If you need to start working from home, we’ve got all the essentials to set up your home office.
Working from home sounds great on paper; you can pop a wash on, do the washing up and have something really smelly for lunch! But with no one around to see exactly what you’re getting up to, can you really be as productive as you are in the office? We think so.
Here are our top tips to help you focus and get the job done at home.
1) Take full advantage of your extra time
Most people will gain at least an hour by skipping the commute. Use this extra time to be more productive. Spring out of bed and get started. Be motivated by the thought of all the work you can get done while you’re not breathing in the fumes of someone else’s armpit or exhaust.
2) Technology is your friend
Let’s assume your internet connection works and you’re able to securely access the office server. Beyond the essential technology infrastructure, there are a few ‘nice to haves’ that help you stay connected to your colleagues. Lots of people use Slack to message, share information instantly and have a bit of banter on the side. If you’re working on your own this contact can help you feel like part of the team.
In response to COVID-19, several tech companies are providing free access to their collaboration tools. Microsoft, Cisco and Zoom are all offering free trials for the next few months to support the larger numbers of people working from home.
3) Use your washing machine to focus
Although deep cleaning the house isn’t on the cards, you can still tackle the odd chore. Use your appliances as timers to help you focus. For example, set yourself a goal to achieve in the hour it takes the washing machine to run its cycle. Racing against your appliances can help you to stop procrastinating and get on with the work.
4) Set up a workstation
No matter how compact and bijou your home, there’s bound to be a nook or a table you can colonise from 9 to 5 to get your job done. If you’re struggling to get comfy – we can help.
We offer next day delivery to business and home addresses and have a massive range of desks and chairs that will fit (almost) anywhere.
5) Planning. Planning. Planning.
Planning is your friend. Having a plan helps you focus. Plan your day, but don’t spend hours making a spreadsheet (that’s procrastinating). Make a quick map of what you’re going to do, estimate how long it will take, and work out when you will finish it. Then make promises to other people about when you’ll get things done. Knowing someone else is expecting you to deliver is great motivation. It also feels good to tick jobs off your list when they’re completed.
Start your planning by setting up your home office. We’ve put together all the basics we think you might need to work successfully at home.
Stay healthy. Stay productive.
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