Are You a Meanderthal? More Office Lingo
Do you have a multi-slacker in your office (a person who does lots of unproductive things all at the same time, such as chatting to a friend on the phone while instant messaging and watching YouTube)?
If so, perhaps they should be uninstalled (fired)?
Here’s some of the latest office lingo so that all of you open collar workers (home office workers) can get up to speed.
Meanderthal – A person who rambles when giving a presentation
CLM (Career Limiting Move) – an ill-thought-out activity, such as putting down the boss to his or her best friend
Keyboard plaque – a revolting build-up of dirt and crumbs found on some computer keyboards
Decision Sniper – a person who sits quietly in a meeting until a decision has been made, and then raises a question which necessitates a further meeting
Stress Puppy – someone who likes being stressed-out and whingey
Meeting Assassin- a colleague who hijacks a meeting with excessive questions or comments
Mouse Potato – someone who spends many hours in front of a computer
Deceptionist – a receptionist employed to get rid of potential visitors
Dead Tree Edition – a hard copy of a digital document
Salesblazer – the jacket that arty and tekky types wear to play down their jeans-based style when meeting clients
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