Coffee Hack
Have you even made a trip to the coffee-making machine at work, just to find out that someone poured themselves a coffee and didn’t bother to refill the jug?
An American technology company, PubNub, found a unique solution to this age-old dilemma.
In their office, the coffee pot stands on an electronic scale which is connected to the Internet. It uses codes to transmit the current weight of the remaining coffee.
Employees can glance at their computer screen and consult a chart which details how much coffee is left in the pot. And when the coffee runs out, the device sends an electronic notification, alerting staff to their impending caffeine crisis.
The space-age system works using PubNub’s own software.
There have apparently been a few minor blips, such as when liquid spilt on the digital scale stopped the whole system from working, but one assumes that caffeine-deprived tekkies quickly engineered a solution.
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