Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Six Easy Tips To Boost Your Productivity

By Paperstone on May 20, 2016 in Office Life, Office Workers


Would you like to boost your productivity in the office?

Here are six low-tech tips for staying on task:

  • De-clutter your workspace. A nice clear desk helps you think more clearly. So look for storage solutions to help you get organised.
  • Avoid the deadly sin of procrastination – get the tasks you dread out of the way first thing in the morning and that will reduce your stress level for the rest of the day. Make it a rule to deal with small tasks straight away (particularly those that will only take five minutes or less to complete)
  • Turn off your email notifications and read them at set intervals. If you have a tight deadline to finish a big project set up an automatic reply to emails for the morning or afternoon
  • Take regular screen breaks and stretch your legs every so often. A short break helps reduce eyestrain and muscle tension and gives you a new perspective on any tricky tasks
  • Enrich your environment with plants! Research shows that plants reduce headaches and fatigue, and increase creative performance by up to 30 per cent.
  • Have some professional memorabilia on display, such as certificates you’ve gained and awards you’ve won. These will give you a psychological boost and make you feel motivated, successful and appreciated.


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