Too Much Time in the iTea Dept May Get You Decruited
What do you call someone who gets side-tracked in business meetings? An Agenda Bender of course! Or the person who raids the stationery cupboard on a regular basis? Why, that’s Ronnie Bics!
For more corporate jargon, read on:
Al desco dining – eating lunch at your desk
Blamestorming session – meeting aimed at finding a scapegoat for a problem
Brandalism – the excessive use of corporate branding
Chainsaw Consultant – an external consultant hired to cut costs
Credit munch – switching to an economical lunch
Decruiting – firing someone
Desk jockey – an office-based employee
Working the Dracula shift – Going to work in the dark and then going home in the dark
Ego-Surfing – Googling your own name to see what comes up
Google Zoo –when the whole office is pretending to work
iTea department – a group of employees who hang out in the kitchen
Stroperator – A receptionist with a massive sense of self-importance
Teahydrated – the state of urgently needing a cuppa at work
Zombie project – a suggestion that keeps cropping up despite many attempts to kill it
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