Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Sir Rowland Hill, Inventor of the Postage Stamp

By Paperstone on September 6, 2015 in Mailroom & Warehouse

penny postage stamp

Despite the popularity of e-mail and social media, snail mail still has its place for those personal communications like birthday and Valentine cards.

We take it for granted that we can pop a stamp on an envelope and post it, paying the same price wherever it goes in the UK.

So let’s spare a thought for the social reformer who invented the concept of a uniform penny post, back in the mid-19th century.

That man was Sir Rowland Hill (1795 –1879) an English teacher and inventor from Kidderminster, Worcestershire.

He fought hard for a massive reform of the postal system, based on the concept of pre-payment, and is credited as the inventor of the postage stamp. The new system gave the country a safe, speedy and affordable postal service which was accessible to all.

Hill was a clever man, and became a student teacher at the age of 12. He taught astronomy and repaired scientific instruments to make his living.

If you’ve ever visited Kidderminster you may have seen a statue of Hill outside the town hall.


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