Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Stereotype – Hipsters Take to Using Vintage Typewriters in Public

By Paperstone on June 19, 2015 in Fun, Office Machines & Supplies


Hipsters – those ultra-cool, creative and intelligent counter-cultural thinkers – have embraced a new trend – typing on their vintage typewriters in public. defines hipsters as a “subculture of men and women, typically in their 20s and 30s that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie rock, creativity, intelligence and witty banter…they are often seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old school sneakers, and sometimes thick-rimmed glasses.”

Now a typewriter has become a popular accessory for hipsters, and some of them are apparently sharing the love by writing personalized literary stories for members of the public too.

They are in very good company – a surprising number of famous artists and writers still work on their old typewriters – film directors Sam Shepard and Woody Allen are two examples of creative genii who love the vintage approach to writing.

Perhaps it’s a key to success…..



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