National Doodle Day 2014
Stuck on the end of a phone and feeling bored? Most of us like to grab a pen and have a doodle – but why?
Doodling helps to relieve our boredom and stop us from getting too stressed – it’s a playful way to deal with pressure.
But is a doodle something more than an emotional safety valve when we’re bored to death?
Freudian psychologists think our doodles reveal something about us, like fragments of our unconscious mind mapped out. We may be trying to work through issues and preoccupations as we draw lines, boxes, flowers, faces, or borders.
There are some doodles that appear to be almost universal and part of our human psyche – the sun, stars, waves, trees, flowers and hearts seem to have deep significance and represent our wishes, needs and emotions.
March 7th will be National Doodle Day, organized by Epilepsy Action.
For just £1 you can submit a doodle into a prize draw. Winners will scoop a prize and their doodle will be displayed in the National Doodle Day’s Hall of Fame!
Cash raised from the day will help support some of the 600,000 people who live with epilepsy in the UK.
So go on, grab that pen!
Picture credit: Lawrence Yang
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