Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Bring Me Sunshine

By Paperstone on March 3, 2014 in Fun, Office Life

Fight Sad syndrome

Finding it hard to get out of bed after weeks of dark, depressing, stormy weather? The lack of sunshine in the UK has brought an air of gloom to many offices and workplaces.

“I can’t wait for winter to end” is a common complaint as an estimated one in four of us responds to glum weather biologically.

Many of us feel sluggish and are sleeping and eating more – and some of us have put on a good half a stone over winter.

Some poor souls suffer with full-blown SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and find it really hard to concentrate at work – that’s if they can manage to roll out of bed.

Since the syndrome is linked to a lack of light, people with SAD may become depressed during cloudy weather at any time of year, or if they are confined to windowless offices or basement apartments.

If you have to work in a dark and dreary office space without windows it can be very bad for you. Try to get outside and have some brisk exercise every day. Aerobic exercise and taking a vitamin D supplement can be a great help.

You may also need full spectrum light therapy, counselling or anti-depressants if your winter blues are severe. Talk to your doctor because SAD may be officially diagnosed if severe symptoms persist for two years.

For most of us, gritting our teeth and going to the gym, eating good food, and staying positive are the best remedy. Spring is just around the corner!


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