Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

The Virtual Office

By Paperstone on August 20, 2013 in Office Workers

The days of office life as we know it may be numbered, according to a group of international academics.

By the year 2025 we may be working for people we have never met and communicating with 3D avatars in a virtual workspace.

According to an expert panel, future technology will allow us to conjure workspaces out of thin air using interactive surfaces.

Holographic teleconferencing and virtual “dry runs” of projects will replace current protocols. And multiple surfaces in our homes, or a shared work hub, will be coated with digitally enabled “smart” paint that will project 3D avatars of colleagues at a single touch.

These dramatic changes are predicted by a panel representing Imperial College London, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Washington, the British government, and other international academics.

They say workforces will be more dispersed, and many of the people working in this way will not even know each other’s identities.

It’s even possible that we will wear high-tech goggles or contact lenses which will transport us to our virtual office in the blink of an eye.


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