The Parker Jotter
As far as I can remember the Parker pen has always been something of a stationery equivalent of the Ferrari. Well, it may not be the pencil case Ferrari, but it’s no Ford Fiesta. That much is clear.
In 1995 this office/public school favourite became somewhat cooler. Indeed, it played a star role in the now classic Bond film Goldeneye. As we all know, Bond only ever endorses the most stylish of products, giving the Parker Pen irrefutable claim to the status of ‘cool’. For the childish amongst you, owning a similar pen allows one to click away, pretending that it could, with the right combination of depressions, explode, reducing your office/classroom to ruins. Obviously only you, a now raggedly dressed Russian beauty of a colleague and an odd fellow called Boris that claims to be invincible survive. Ah, no wait, Boris has had his comeuppance and is quite naturally frozen alive by some white stuff that just happened to be there.
You will have to have seen the film to have any idea what I’m talking about there, but if not, rest assured that the Parker Pen is just about as cool as office supplies get.
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