Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Royal Wedding Holiday Uncertainty

By Paperstone on April 25, 2011 in Office & Personal Planning

Wills and Kate plate

A new survey suggests uncertainty among office workers regarding holiday entitlement on the day of the royal wedding. One in four have not yet been told whether they will get the day off on Friday 29 April, according to the poll of 1,000 workers by recruitment firm Badenoch & Clark.

Londoners appeared the worst off. A third stated they are unaware of their holiday entitlement for the big day.

The 29th has been deemed a bank holiday by the government but employers are not obliged by law to give their staff a day off.

Said Lynne Hardman, a Badenoch & Clark spokesperson, “Employers have a duty to communicate clearly and effectively to their workers. This includes decisions on holiday allowance. If not correctly managed, employers may find workers react badly to what appears to be a last-minute decision – leading to low morale amongst employees.

“To alleviate the bad news of having staff work on the bank holiday, employers could consider allowing flexi-working around the key parts of the day, or permitting staff to watch the ceremony at work. Nonetheless, if managed correctly, allowing workers to take full advantage of the bank holiday could be a great way to strengthen workplace morale on a day of national celebration.”

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