Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Trashy Girls in Muck

By Paperstone on April 8, 2010 in Janitorial

trashy girl with wine

Palermo in Sicily is continually besieged by rubbish crises. Refuse collection is characterised by a stale, corrupt, now virtually bankrupt bureaucracy which is itself permeated by Cosa Nostra involvement. Palermo refuse collectors can’t afford to pay their employees and rubbish has been piling up, on and off, for about a year. Firefighters are constantly called up to extinguish piles of burning rubbish. The fires are started deliberately by residents to remove some of the waste. There are fears of a health crisis as organic waste continues to rot and fester.

trashy girl with hatIn order to highlight the crisis, photographer Matilde Incorpora has shot top fashion models amongst Palermo’s garbage.

Incorpora explains, “We arranged the photographic set in the streets of Palermo as a form of protest against the environmental damage of this wonderful city with its thousand-year-old history.”

“I hope my photography can help open people’s eyes and do something to end this crisis.”


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Rubbish bins and bags
Waste bins
Recycling bins

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