Boring 2010
For the past few years, a conference called ‘Interesting’ has been held in London and other cities covering such esoteric subjects as cheating in video games, Stan Laurel’s dad, psychological violence in girls’ comics of the 1970s and ‘80s, winning at Monopoly, and ponies.
When DVD distribution manager James Ward discovered that this year’s ‘Interesting’ conference was cancelled, he tentatively suggested a successor, ‘Boring 2010’, on Twitter. “I wasn’t really being serious, but I got so many replies saying it was a good idea that I felt obliged to push ahead with it,” he told The Independent yesterday.
Talk subjects include the history of dust, the reason for draws in cricket Test matches, and municipal plug points. There will also be milk testing and a workshop on cataloguing ties.
Ward is also a founding member of Stationery Club, about which we will write more in the coming weeks.
‘Boring 2010’ takes place on Saturday 11 December in Central London. Venue details have not yet been confirmed, but updates are posted on the ‘Boring 2010’ blog.
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