Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Trend towards ‘office furniture tailored to women’

By Paperstone on October 4, 2007 in Office Furniture

An increase in the number of women who are running small businesses has led to more office furniture companies tailoring products towards these entrepreneurs, it has been suggested.

Many retailers and manufacturers have begun to offer office furniture which is suited to women’s smaller frames, the Associated Press reports.

In addition, some office furniture is being designed with more storage possibilities, making it easier to hold personal items and handbags, the article claims.

Kim Roffey, a strategist at Kurt Salmon Associates, told the news provider that women are more concerned with the style of office furniture, while men "are looking for more functionality".

She explained that a man seeking an office chair would be more likely to decide on a model based on factors like back support, while women would be more concerned with how the office furniture looks in a room.

Women now comprise one-third of all entrepreneurs around the world, according to the Centre for Women’s Leadership at Babson College.

Another office furniture trend which has recently been identified is customer demand for eco-friendly products. Mark Macheca, owner of Business Furnishings, explained that "50 per cent or more" of the company’s projects involve discussions about environmental impact.

At Paperstone we can supply your firm with a wide selection of office furniture.


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