Old Abe’s vp’s office furniture up for sale
The estate of Hannibal Hamlin, one-time vice president to Abraham Lincoln, is to be auctioned off on Saturday at the former site of the Bangor Theological Seminary, with some office furniture up for grabs.
Among the lots available is Hamlin’s walnut lift-top commode, his upright spinet piano and a 6-foot tall painting of the Madonna, the Bangor Daily News reports.
The office furniture will be auctioned off, along with chairs, tables, bookcases, artwork and more than 10,000 volumes from the Moulton Library.
It is part of a major clear-out before the property is sold and current seminary president William Imes suggested plans for the property had not been announced.
"The actual sale of the stuff from Hamlins home isn’t too big a deal for us," he said. "The biggest task for us has been going through the 30,000 volumes in our library and deciding what to keep, which books to sell privately and which to auction off."
"Our goal was not to be cluttered with stuff we have no place to put," he said. "We are keeping what will best support what we are currently teaching."
Any office furniture enthusiasts will need to make sure they are in the tent on the seminary grounds for the auction beginning at in the early afternoon.
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