Cardiff office staff make green savings
An energy saving campaign involving office equipment in Cardiff has seen 100 tonnes of carbon emissions cut, with savings of £15,000 in power bills in a year.
As part of the ‘switch off’ drive at Cardiff County Hall, staff were charged with making sure office equipment and lights weren’t left turned on unnecessarily, according to News Wales.
Security staff patrolled the workspace after hours to ensure no office equipment was left switched on in the evenings or at weekends.
Councillor Mark Stephens, executive member for economic development and finance, said: "I’m very pleased with the progress that is being made here. This shows that all our efforts to reduce energy use in County Hall really can make a difference.
"I’m confident staff can maintain this and continue to ensure that lights and equipment aren’t left on unnecessarily. A little effort really can go a long way."
It is now thought that other council offices will be more vigilant with their office equipment, in a bid to reduce costs and carbon emissions throughout Britain.
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