Office furniture market to benefit from rise in office occupancy
A rise in office occupancy in the UK is set to boost the office furniture market, according to a recent report.
Research and Markets’ recent Office Furniture Market Report revealed that occupancy was rising, particularly in central London and that meant an inevitable rise in demand for office furniture.
The office furniture market was worth an estimated £908.3 million in 2005, which represented a 1.3 per cent increase compared to the previous year.
The report revealed that jobs in the service industries market accounted for around 69 per cent of the total business workforce and that in turn meant office furniture would remain strong.
Five sectors are considered in the Market Report, including upholstered swivel chairs, wooden desks, other wooden furniture, metal cupboards and other metal furniture.
A statement from Research and Markets said: "Trends in the use of technology and in working practices have affected the choice of office furniture.
"Flat screens and smaller computers allow smaller desks to be used, making better use of expensive office space. Furniture needs to be adaptable to allow for changes in the size of the workforce."
At Paperstone we can supply your firm with a wide selection of office furniture.
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