Tips for a (Hopefully) Balmy Summer
Summer’s here – but unfortunately, you’re stuck in the office! Don’t let harsh realities stop you from enjoying your favourite season.
Follow these tips to make the most of balmy summer days while you’re working:
- Get up early and walk or cycle to work on sunny days (or at least part of the way). And ask your boss if you can start work earlier and leave earlier, in order to enjoy some late afternoon or early evening sunshine.
- Maybe your employer will bend the usual dress code a little? It all depends where you work of course. And it might be asking a bit too much if you wear a Hawaiian shirt or Bermuda short with flip flops
- Prepare a barbecue lunch once a week with your colleagues. If you don’t have access to an outdoor area, cook burgers and hot dogs in the kitchen instead and eat them alfresco
- Get a stash of ice lollies and hand them out instead of the usual mid-afternoon cuppa
- Get some fresh air every day so that you can give your vitamin D levels a boost. Office workers are often vitamin D deficient.
- Get trim in advance of your annual holiday. Go to the gym or power-walk in the nearest park at lunchtime. Or just walk a lot, whenever possible. Use a pedometer and see if you can clock up 10,000 steps a day
- Get the desk fans blasting to emulate a tropical breeze and put an exotic plant on your desk
If none of the above helps, go online and book your holiday in the Caribbean!
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