Get Clued Up On Your Finances This National Payroll Week
Payroll professionals throughout the UK are raising awareness of payday issues during National Payroll week, September 4-8.
This year National Payroll Week is focused on educating employees on financial matters.
People will be urged to save money regularly through their payroll, and to avoid taking out payday loans. Instead, workers will be encouraged to use a credit union when they need a loan and to become more financially astute.
National Payroll Week is organised by the Charted Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) and the aim is to get as many businesses on board as possible. The CIPP can arrange educational talks on payroll issues for your employees.
Some payroll departments will be offering “coffee and cake breaks” where workers can visit the payroll department for a friendly chat about how their payslip works.
For more information, visit the CIPP website where you can order an information pack and promotional materials.
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