Calling All Lefties! It’s Left Handers Day on Sunday
Calling all lefties – it’s time to join in the protest on August 13th!
No, I don’t mean a political protest – it’s time for the UK’s 28th annual Left Handers Day.
Strike a blow for lefties by creating a Lefty Zone in your office. Force right-handed colleagues to step into your shoes and experience your frustrations in an awareness-raising exercise.
All year round, you have to cope with gadgets and interior design features designed for right-handers’ comfort. You have to use many tools and implements which feel “back-to-front” and make you look awkward and clumsy.
But not on Left-handers day!
Visit the Left Handers Day website and download a Lefty Zone poster. Next, designate an area in the office where everything must be done left-handed. It will help your right-handed friends understand what you’re up against in a right-handed world!
Right-handers can be encouraged to use their left hands to carry out some simple tasks, for example:
- Fill and pour the office kettle
- Use the microwave control panel (usually positioned on the right of the equipment
- Cut paper with normal right-handed scissors in their left hand instead
- Use the computer keypad to enter lots of figures
- Make themselves a sandwich and peel an apple
Don’t forget to keep the office swear-box handy!
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