Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Monday, January 25 is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!

By Paperstone on January 21, 2016 in Fun, Mailroom & Warehouse


There’s something incredibly distracting about bubble wrap – it seems to shout out “Pop me!” when you’re trying to pack something in it!

Did you know that Monday, January 25 is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, when you can openly admit your love of bubble wrap and pop your bubbles proudly?

If you visit the Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day website you can find lots of interesting facts on this amazing invention, look at sculptures made from Bubble Wrap and check out games and competitions.

You can pick up some amusing tips from the The Bubble Wrap® Book from HarperPerennial, for example:

  • Make a burglar alarm with a difference! Lay Bubble Wrap on the floor next to doors and windows, so that when an intruder gets in, you’ll be woken up by the manic popping
  • Pack a roll of Bubble Wrap when you go camping and use it as a cushion under your mattress
  • Use it as an insect repellent. Wrap arms and legs with Bubble Wrap to thwart attempts by mosquitos to bite you. When the insects attack, the bubbles will pop and the tiny explosions of air will send the mosquitos into a downward spiral!
  • Add a layer of bubble wrap behind the notes in your wallet. You will look richer and impress your partner when you are out on a date!

Image credit: erin_everlasting


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