Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Blu-Tack Art Attack

By Paperstone on April 12, 2016 in Desktop Essentials, Fun


You probably use Blu-Tack to display posters and maybe your Christmas cards, but did you know that this popular and versatile adhesive is also a favourite medium for artists?

Research shows the popularity of the famous blue putty with many amateur and professional adult sculptors and model-makers as well as thousands of artistic youngsters.

Professional artist Liz Thompson from Wimbledon created Blu-ey the giant house spider back in 2007. The 200-kilogram sculpture was created using 4000 packs of Blu-Tack and was supported by a wire frame.

Other artists have created intriguing Blu-Tack characters for stop-motion animated films, while model-makers use the putty as a masking medium for camouflage schemes.

As well as its artistic functions, Blu-Tack can be used to reduce sound and vibrations- one professor of ear surgery from Leicester recommended children use it as earplugs following their ear operations.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of uses for Blu-Tack. To discover more visit the Blu-Tack website.


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