Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Are We Moving Towards the Paperless Office?

By Paperstone on February 10, 2015 in Office Life, Office Supplies, Paper


It might be a digital age, but there’s still a lot of paper floating around in the world – around 400 million metric tons of it are produced globally every year.

So in 2015, how far are we away from the paperless office?

The answer is that most businesses are nowhere near managing without paper. Although we have tablets, smartphones, super-fast broadband and the cloud, the mountain of paper is a steep one to descend.

Paper remains at the heart of our culture. We still use paper cups for our coffee machines, receive letters in the post, buy birthday cards, read physical newspapers, and keep hard copies of our important documents.

There are companies that exist to help businesses go paperless, but in practice this usually means “less paper” rather than 100 per cent paper-free.

Evidence of companies achieving a 100 per cent paperless environment is thin on the ground, although a few have managed to hit 95 per cent.

You might be able to reduce the amount of paper in your office significantly however.

Going digital frees up workspace, which can save renting a larger office and cut running costs. The contents of 20 filing cabinets can be stored on just one DVD, or in the cloud.



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