We Love This LEGO Office Cubicle
We love this wonderfully accurate LEGO set showing an office worker flanked by his two trusty monitors while he chats with his colleague over a coffee and a cookie – and it could one day hit the shops.
Submitted to LEGO Ideas by a user called Tobinsbricks, the model of this familiar scene could be sold across the world if it garners enough votes.
“It’s a cubicle world. In thousands of buildings, there are hundreds of thousands of cubicle offices,” Tobinbricks declares rather poetically in his description of the scene, before explaining that he made the model for fun, but was kindly encouraged by his co-workers to pitch it to the toy company.
Like many of us, he and his co-workers keep momentos of their home life and outside interests at their desks, including tiny LEGO figures.
In this set which cleverly merges the two together, we can imagine the pair chatting away about the LEGO man’s well-deserved golden ‘Worker of the Week’ award and who might be next, before he re-adjusts and waters his flowers and turns back to his work. Perhaps later he’ll have another tea and read the newspaper.
And, to clarify, he adds that the giant dwarf photo was all he could find at the time, but would be replaced by an image of a LEGO family if the model ever went into production.
So far, Tobinbricks has 132 votes, and so has a fair few to go before his product hits the shelves, but we wish him luck and thank him making us smile. We sell a nifty range of stationery for your desktop.
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