Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Journal Therapy

By Paperstone on January 7, 2014 in Office & Personal Planning

happy journal

Has anyone given you a diary or journal for Christmas?

If so, write in it every day – you could give your immune system a boost!

Expressive writing is cathartic and releases stress and pressure. And just like having regular psychotherapy, writing things down has a positive impact on mental and physical health.

Write your innermost thoughts and feelings down, and include everything- the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s a case of “better out than in” when it comes to emotions,

Writing things down is a safe way to cope with your feelings. You don’t upset other people because your thoughts are secret, known only to you and your journal.

Writing things down every day gets a lot of rubbish out of your head so you can concentrate properly on the rest of your life. First thing in the morning is an excellent time to spend 15 minutes writing anything that comes to mind. It’s important that you don’t censor your thoughts, just let them flow.

Experimental psychologists are now recognising the benefits of keeping a journal, and have proved the health advantages in scientific studies. You can boost your immune system, enhance your memory and improve relationships. So in 2014 why not follow in the footsteps of great diarists like Anne Frank and Samuel Pepys?



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