Hate Your Job? Here’s Some Survival Tips
Ever been stuck in a job you hated?
If you’re unhappy at work here are a few tips to help you get through the day.
Tip Number One: Get up early.
It’s counter-intuitive I know, but getting up really early gives you some ‘me time’ before you have to leave for the office. You can use the time to have a lovely pampering session, or cook yourself a yummy big breakfast. Watch TV, make gorgeous real coffee, do something you enjoy before you have to leave the house. It helps you to feel in control of your life.
Tip Number Two: Make Social Plans
You may feel that your horrible job has drained you of all your energy – but make the effort to socialise.
Plan as many fun activities as you possibly can for your spare time. Enjoy great weekends, and try to go out at least once in the week to do something interesting or relaxing. This means you always have something to look forward to.
Finally, work out what your ideal job is, and draw up an action plan. It may take a year or two, but if you plan strategically and keep yourself focused, you can end up doing a job you love.
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