Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Love Parks Week

By Paperstone on June 29, 2013 in Office Workers

Did you know a walk in the park is a fantastic way to beat work stress?

It’s been proved that people who visit green spaces regularly, whether in the town or country, suffer fewer stress-related illnesses.

The natural environment of a park or open space also reduces the risks of cardiac disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, and generally promotes health and wellbeing.

Right now over 30 million people in England make good use of their green spaces, with a tenth visiting each day and over half visiting every week!

Next month will see a huge celebration of UK parks during Love Parks Week (July 27 to August 4). Last year 1.4 million people took part in 1,100 events during the week.

This year there will be a wide range of activities taking place all over the country, based on the arts, wildlife and conservation, and health and fitness. Last year al fresco arts and crafts were popular, along with family fun days, picnics, and jazz, blues and folk performances.


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