Painting Stats
Collectively, Brits paint the equivalent area of Great Britain more than 200 times, according to recent research and number twiddling from Homebase. This equates – assuming, we suppose, a single brush-width paint stroke – to 50 journeys to the moon. The average DIY-er will paint 36 rooms in their DIY lifetime (assuming rooms of a certain size, etc, etc). The research marks the launch of Homebase’s Value Range of budget home essentials for DIY, home and gardening.
“Our research proves that the nation truly has a love for DIY,” said Simon Yeomans, category marketing manager for Homebase. “Almost ten per cent of people questioned would rather be decorating than socialising. We want people to feel inspired and know that they don’t need to spend a lot. By introducing an affordable range of good quality basic items, we hope more people will be encouraged to transform spaces in their homes and gardens.”
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