Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Algae All The Rage

By Paperstone on April 22, 2010 in Office Workers

office algae


A Taiwanese company, Caliber Multimedia, has started selling marine algae to offices to keep workers cheerful as they toil away at their desks. The three different “seaweed pets” hail from Japan and grow happily in water-filled goldfish bowls

Up to the beginning of March the company had sold 10,000 units of these desktop beasts and is capitalising on a trend for office workers to adorn their desks with random stuff to cheer themselves up.

The three types of algae on sale were originally marketed as food products and their Japanese creator, Nobumasa Kariya, chief director of Japan-based SEA-LABO Corporation, says he had not expected them to find another use.

Says Alex Chang, General Manager of Caliber Multimedia: “These innovative products have opened a new market in recent years. We’re not only developing our own creative items to export to the United States and Europe, we’re also introducing interesting items from other countries to Taiwan.”



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