Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Archive for February, 2010

Red Envelopes for Chinese New Year

By Paperstone on February 4, 2010 in Envelopes with 0 Comments

Hong Kong banks have started to print 200 million new bank notes for people to give away as “lucky money” during the Chinese New Year holiday. Money worth up to US $1.28 billion will be given away in traditional red envelopes to children and unmarried youngsters during the holiday which begins 14 February. The typical […]

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Easier to take sickies?

By Paperstone on February 3, 2010 in Office Workers with 0 Comments

Monday was “National Sickie Day”, with the number of employees taking days off sick expected to have peaked at 350,000 on the Monday, 1 February. The first Monday of February is thought to be the worst for sickies as seasonal viruses and depression take their toll. According to research by Employment Law Advisory Services, bosses […]

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Sliver Time

By Paperstone on February 2, 2010 in Office Workers with 0 Comments

A couple of weeks ago, Wingham Rowan wrote an article in The Times on sliver time, and it is worth reading. Sliver time is working in chunks of a few hours and offers new patterns of working for carers, the long-term ill and others who cannot commit to a 9-to-5 office job. It also offers […]

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Radioactive Water Jugs

By Paperstone on February 1, 2010 in Catering with 0 Comments
Radioactive Water Jugs

National Geographic reports new research on radioactive ceramic water jars marketed to the U.S. public as a health boon in the early 1900s. Before exposure to radioactivity was shown to cause havoc with the body’s cells in the 1930s, radioactivity was perceived to be good for health and was popularly marketed as such. Even up […]

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