Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Archive for January, 2010

Michael McIntyre Only Funny To Office Workers

By Paperstone on January 8, 2010 in Office Workers with 0 Comments

In a recent interview veteran surrealist/slapstick comedian, Vic Reeves, criticised the ubiquitous and poshly noisy comic success of the last few years, Michael McIntyre. “He fits into what office workers like. He points out and notices things that everyone’s noticed already. The appeal is he creates a feeling the audience are part of a big […]

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Revealed: Wildest Office Party Names

By Paperstone on January 6, 2010 in Office Workers with 0 Comments

As we recover from consumptive excess and embark on short-lived New Year resolutions in response, a poll of 4,000 office workers commissioned by drinks company Vodka Kick has revealed that British office workers consider women named Sarah, Becky and Emma to be the wildest Christmas party girls. Wild boys were named as Chris, John and […]

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Recession Messes Up Offices

By Paperstone on January 5, 2010 in Janitorial with 0 Comments

A recent poll of 1,000 staff by maintenance firm, Resource GB, has revealed two in five businesses are spending less on cleaning and maintenance due to the Recession. In addition, a quarter of employees said they work in dirty offices. One-third considered their office unsafe. Said Esther Wassmann, managing director of Resource GB, “Managers must […]

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JLS Top Celeb Calendar Sales

By Paperstone on January 4, 2010 in Office & Personal Planning, Office Supplies with 0 Comments

As we take our first tentative steps into the ‘Teens, we can get a handle on at least some of the images that will accompany us throughout the coming year from Xmas sales of 2010 calendars. HMV and calendar-makers Danila have compiled their calendar chart for 2010 and it features January-through-December pics of newcomers as […]

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Facebook Danger To Marriage

By Paperstone on January 3, 2010 in Computer Supplies with 0 Comments

The Telegraph recently ran a story entitled, “Facebook Fuelling Divorce” in which it was suggested that the rise of social networking sites like Facebook and Bebo is tempting people to cheat on their partners. According to Divorce-Online, a law firm specialising in divorce, Facebook is referenced in some one in five divorce petitions. Apparently spouses […]

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Racist Webcams?

By Paperstone on January 2, 2010 in Computer Supplies with 0 Comments

A story you may have missed over the festive period: A video emerged on YouTube early in December which showed a Webcam, apparently an HP model, failing to follow a black person’s face on-screen while the facial-tracking system appeared to begin working properly again when a white woman stepped in front of the same camera. […]

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