Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Safe bet?

By Paperstone on February 27, 2009 in Health & Safety

One market that hasn’t suffered in the ongoing crisis of capitalism is that for safes. The sale of household safes surged following Northern Rock’s troubles and has continued to rise. Evidently the £50,000 guarantee on bank savings is not reassuring enough for some of us. Consumer organisations such as Which? recommend that for large amounts people spread their savings between accounts, but, it seems, there is such a crisis of confidence in banking in general that large withdrawals are being made to deposit the money in newly acquired safes.

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Why not kit your office out with one of the office safes available at Paperstone? It’s not just cash you might want to protect; important legal documents and correspondence, for example, need to be safeguarded too. We stock a full range of safes, from basic budget models to large, extra strong, fire-resistant safes. Have a look at our Safes and locks page for more information.


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