Survey reveals top office equipment
A new study has revealed that PCs remain one of the top pieces of office equipment in the modern-day workplace.
A study by research group YouGov has found that PCs have increased their popularity with office workers by five per cent since the 1990s, with more and more offices relying on them to carry out day-to-day tasks.
Email has also risen in popularity, with 58 per cent of workers polled in 2007 claiming that it is vital to their working day, compared to just 25 per cent in the 1990s.
However, landline phones have seen their popularity wane over recent years, with just 19 per cent voting for them in the poll.
And such is the popularity of email that even mobile phones were only chosen as a popular piece of office equipment by 22 per cent of respondents.
Behind PCs and emails came the internet, with 52 per cent of those polled stating that it was a popular part of today’s office environment.
Further figures from the YouGov study also revealed that many workers uses hi-tech office equipment for at least six hours every day, in a bid to increase productivity, carry out research and improve their decision making capabilities.
At Paperstone, we have a full range of office equipment that will be popular in your office.
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