Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

10 Tips for Creating a Winning Team

By Paperstone on September 29, 2015 in Office Workers


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

This statement from Gestalt psychology can be applied to many teams in the workplace – as long as they are put together and managed intelligently.

Success is when your team can achieve synergy, creating something together that’s bigger or better than they would accomplish as separate individuals.

Synergy doesn’t just happen – it requires careful thought. Here are 10 tips for creating a winning team:

  1. Make sure that the team goals are crystal clear and accepted by each team member.
  2. Give each person the chance to shine by creating a role for them that utilises their strengths.
  3. Avoid overlaps of authority. Don’t let two people compete for control in any area of the job.
  4. Involve your team in the decision making process as it will encourage people to commit to the project.
  5. Get to know your team as individuals. Spend some one-to-one time with each person to build trust and communication.
  6. Encourage your team to bond through social activities like lunches together, or a well thought-out team-building exercise (be aware that some people loathe such activities and choose something that will suit the people taking part).
  7. Never miss opportunities to say thank you or show appreciation of an individual team player’s work.
  8. Show your team they have your unconditional support. Then they can move forward with confidence.
  9. Create a reward or incentive for hard work- a day off at the end of the quarter, flexibility in their work schedule, or a financial bonus.  Some people prefer time off or a nice meal in a restaurant to extra money, so vary your incentives to keep everyone happy.
  10. When inter-personal issues arise, deal with them early on and bring the two parties together. Be clear that the aim is to find a solution, and not blame each other.


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