5 new uses for everyday office supplies – sticky tape
At Paperstone we are here to help. So we’ve put together some office hacks to help you get even more from your office supplies.
Get out of a sticky situation
Today we turn the Paperstone spotlight on sticky tape – we all have one tucked away somewhere in our desks. Here are a few extra reasons for keeping sticky tape handy.
1) Clean your keyboard
Our keyboards are at the front line of the office war zone. In the line of duty they get bombarded by flakes of skin, hairs and food crumbs. All this detritus can end up looking and feeling dirty and grimy.
Join forces with sticky tape to battle the dirt.
First take your keyboard and turn it upside down. Give it a gentle tap to dislodge any loose debris. Turn it back over. Fold the sticky tape in half (sticky side out) and gently press it into the gaps between your keys to pick off the embedded grit and muck.
2) Remove lint from your clothes
How many of us carry around a lint brush? Nor do we! So if you spot stray animal hairs, dust or bits of thread on your clothes whip out your trusty roll of sticky tape. Wind a circle or two around your fingers (sticky side facing out) and dab it on your garment to lift off the marks. It also removes pollen without staining the fabric.
3) Create a waterproof label
Sticky tape acts as an instant laminator. Write your label on paper and fix it on to your A4 lever arch file, A4 box files, clipboard or plastic lunch box, and you have a splash proof, smudge proof label that will stay secure.
4) Emergency first aid for wounds
If you’ve gone Bear Grills and are off grid, or can’t access medical help, you can use sticky tape to repair a wound. The Survival Doctor tells you exactly how it’s done. We know this works – one of the Paperstone team used sticky tape to keep a wound closed after his stitches broke!
5) Repair wardrobe malfunctions
If you need to make an emergency clothing repair and getting out a needle and thread is not an option, turn to sticky tape. You can use it to hold a hem together or keep an item of clothing in the right place.
And when you’ve finished using your sticky tape, pop a paperclip at the end so you can grab and go next time you want to use it.
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