Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

It’s Fairtrade fortnight – switch to Fairtrade and change lives

By Paperstone on February 21, 2018 in Uncategorized


How many cups of tea or coffee are brewed in your office or workplace every week? Depending on the size of your organisation it could be anything from 10 to 1,000 or more – and each cuppa can help to change people’s lives!

It’s Fairtrade Fortnight from February 26 to March 11 – and the aim is to get every workplace involved in the Fairtrade movement. By switching to Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar as a standard policy, your business or organisation can make a real difference to farmers and workers in developing countries.

Fairtrade is a world-wide movement transforming the way first world countries do business with developing nations. It aims to give producers a better deal and the chance to earn a reasonable living from their hard work. It sets fair standards for companies to follow when they trade with suppliers of tea, coffee and other products.

Fairtrade has a strong presence in the UK through the Fairtrade Foundation, which was launched in 1992 as a joint initiative between CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Traidcraft, Global Justice Now, and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. It now has many more members.

There are hundreds of towns, schools, faith groups and universities supporting this vision of free trade too. So, whether you produce, stock, consume or distribute Fairtrade products, Fairtrade Fortnight is an opportunity to make your commitment public, through your social media and taking part in community-based events.

There will be events happening all over the country and you can find out more at the Foundation’s website. You will be able to read about the resources available if you want to get involved in the campaign.

If you already use Fairtrade products, Fairtrade Fortnight is the perfect opportunity to talk about the Foundation and spread the word to your contacts and customers. Your business might qualify for a certificate under the Fairtrade Workplace of World Changers scheme.

You can also check out what impact your workplace might have in making the world a fairer place, by using this impact calculator
You can change the world one cup of coffee at a time!



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