Learning at Work Week 2017
Does your job require you to learn new things on a regular basis? Do you know what your individual learning style is?
For Learning at Work Week (May 15-21) you can try out the newly updated Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) to find out what style of learning suits you – you might be an activist, pragmatist, reflector or theorist.
The Activist prefers hands-on learning and experiencing new things. They are happy to learn by trial and error and just ‘having a go’.
The Theorist likes to understand underlying reasons, concepts and relationships. They need to be convinced that an approach is logical
The Reflector likes to be briefed before new tasks. He or she learns by observation and reflection
The Pragmatist likes see an expert demonstration and then have a go. Pragmatists are willing to try things out to see if they work.
To see what your learning style is, try out the LSQ survey by answering 40 questions about how you like to learn new things.
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