Pencil Head
Doctors found a pencil stuck in a man’s head after he had suffered headaches for 15 years.
The 24 year old Afghan man had no idea what was wrong when he went for a scan at the Aachen University Hospital in Germany. A 10cm (4-inch) pencil was found lodged from his sinus to his pharynx.
It is believed the injury happened when he was a child, damaging his right eye socket and leading to health problems in later years. The man suffered from numerous colds and vision problems in his eye.
After doctors had removed the offending implement from the man’s skull, he made a good recovery and has apparently suffered no adverse effects since his treatment.
The case came to light after it was presented at a medical conference in Essen on Tuesday by Prof Frank Hoelzle of Aachen University.
The pencil was found with the help of computer tomography – an image scanning technique, German media report.
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