Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Supermarket’s Idea Is Bananas

By Paperstone on September 24, 2012 in Catering, Mailroom & Warehouse

Packaged peeled bananas

A German-owned supermarket chain has attracted scorn for selling peeled bananas on plastic trays wrapped in cling film. The company’s Facebook page suffered a torrent of abuse from customers, many of whom threatened to boycott the store.

The irony is that that Billa, which has thousands of store across Europe, promotes itself as a “common sense” supermarket.

The outrage caused the offending bananas to be taken off the shelf and a Billa representative apologised for the “one-off” mistake, saying it would not happen again.

But that didn’t stop the tide of abuse on Facebook. One customer wroye that selling ready-peeled bananas was the ultimate symbol of waste and the throw-away society.

An Austrian Greenpeace spokesman said, “If there is an easy to open ready packed food it’s the banana – peeling it only to pack it in environmentally unfriendly plastic is just madness.”


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