Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Make ice shaped like football

By Paperstone on June 5, 2010 in Catering

soccer iceball

During the World Cup, invite football-loving and pretending-to-like-football-because-they-don’t want-to-feel-left-out friends round for drinks and impress them with an expensive gadget that makes ice in the shape of a football – that is, a truncated icosahedron. (WikiAnswers will inform you, “An icosahedron is made of twenty congruent triangles. A soccer ball is just an icosahedron with all the vertices cut off.” Well fancy that?)

The Mini Ice Ball Maker is an aluminium mould that is heated in hot water to work on blocks of ice. You can also buy plain sphere, snowflake and molecule moulds. The 30mm “soccer ball” mould will set you back $207 and is available from Japan Trend Shop (who ship worldwide). On the plus side, ice spheres have smaller surface area than ice cubes and so take longer to melt.

Via Cool Hunting


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Office catering


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