Paperstone – Office life, work and fun

Endangered Technology For 2010

By Paperstone on November 17, 2009 in Computer Supplies

Endangered Technology For 2010 Retailer compiles list of gadgets to fall out of favour

A list of “endangered technologies” that will be lucky to survive the year has been compiled by Pixmania, Europe’s largest electronics retailer. Certain new technologies, like Blu-ray and the i-phone, are rendering old alternatives like DVD players and Sat Nav obsolete, suggests the list. Fax machines and landline phones are predicted to disappear (though haven’t we encountered this prophecy before?). Computer mice are threatened, as are mobile phone chargers which, the retailer argues, will be displaced by wireless charging.

  1. DVD players
  2. Fax machine
  3. Analogue TV
  4. The landline phone
  5. Mobile phone charger
  6. Wii-mote
  7. Sat Navs
  8. Dongle
  9. The computer mouse
  10. Chip and pin credit cards


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Computer supplies


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